How do you work from home in direct sales with a big family?
This is a question a get a LOT from others! When I was a teacher and I began this side job I was also still a mom. The extra income gave me the energy to get work the business on the side to find success. This is what I did and still do now that I am home full time!
1. I get up before everyone. My brain is fresh and I spend some time thinking of ideas and let myself jot down notes of others that I think would be good at this business with me.
2. I spend time praying during this time. I read and I really just have some ME time.
3. I do 90 percent of my direct sales business on social media so I spend some time deciding what would be a good post for the day.
4. I answer any questions that came in from the night before from my team.
5. I edit photos.
6. I create some post for my social media
Then I go about my day!!! When my twins nap I make some phone calls if possible and return emails, or face book messages. I reach out to people and follow up!
After all my 5 little kids go to bed at night I do team calls and zooms (this is an online conference meeting so I can meet with my team all over the world)
When I worked full time I did some of this during my lunch break or I scheduled time right after work.
It really doesn't suck all your time away but I do make time for my work!
NOW I love what I do and so thankful I set aside the time then and now to grow my business. It was a little bit of a sacrifice in the beginning. I had to learn how to juggle a new thing. I was a MOM to many children with a full time job. The time restrictions were already hard so finding time was difficult but it can fit in and it was more than worth it.
If you are worried about time and that is what is holding you back from changing your lives and living you dreams then relax and know that it will fit it. It is just a matter of being intentional! I pushed myself because I knew every single time I did, it brought me one step closer to debt free!
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