We did it! Here's our ONE week menu! And saving below!!!
I almost caved on Wednesday night...LIKE really almost caved in
and went to drive through! It was also hard on the last day of
school not to go out to eat to celebrate. I didn't realize how much I
was using food to celebrate!
It is FOR sure taking some adjusting.
I"m happy to report I saved $532.00 this week by planning
our meals, fixing them ahead of time and not eating out. We
didn't have any cereals. I am not opposed to cereal but one
box feeds 1/2 our family so if I am doing this to save money
and get on track then we are not doing cereal for a time.
We bought buy milk, coconut milk, fresh veggies, someone
gave us a bunch of bananas they didn't want and caroline
and I drank protein/greens shakes every morning for
breakfast instead of what the others ate just because that's
what we always do.
Steve still ate out for lunch at work and Leah bought herself a
box of cereal. Leah also went out with friends for one meal.
LAST....I am not a nutritionist at all but even the gravy and
biscuits have to be better than french fries every day and I
LOST 2 lbs!!!
SO....here we go to week TWO!!!
Come follow us on our journey and join us by cooking once a
month too and reporting here to let us know what you
saved!!! I am actually enjoying this after I got it all cooked
and organized.