Tuesday, May 3, 2016


I've been a mommy for 21 years! I've learned a lot in those 21 years and apparently I'm still learning every single day! 

A few things I've learned as a result of my own mistakes!

1. Comparison is the joy thief! What works for one family might not for another!
2. Let the children have a voice. Helping them to make their own choices and not worrying about who is judging you. Some times they have to fall to learn and even though it's hard to watch as a mom-letting them have wings to try makes all the difference in the world. 
3. OPEN talk! Talking about EVERYTHING. I promise they will hear it from someone so hearing it from your first keeps the door open!
4. Let go of the perfect....Perfectly cleaned house and car and laundry always done and enjoy your time with your family! 
5. Give yourself grace when you mess up. 
6.  Embrace their differences.
7. Enjoy something they want to talk about!
8. Cuddle on the coach and watch a favorite show!
9. Read the same book at the same time and talk about it. 
10. Take a nap and be ok with it!

Motherhood is my favorite calling and although I LOVE it dearly, I screw up all the time!  
So hats off to all you moms out there that are making it work, potty training, teaching kids to drive, homeworking, sitting on the bleachers watching events for hours, crying over your budget because it's not enough to give your kid something you really wanted to buy them, nursing your sick kid back to health, taxi driving, working around the clock to make ends meet, kissing all the boo boo's better, waking up at night to feed and rock, staying up late when they come home from a date-YOU ARE FAR MORE PRECIOUS THAN JEWELS! Mother's ROCK! 
Our journey...whatever place you may be as you are mothering....we are so much better together!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Motherhood is my favorite calling too! I have 3 children and miss the memories when they were young. Now I feel like they don't need me anymore.
