2 1/2 years ago I said yes to the most amazing decision to join a company called It works global!
2 years ago I hit the rank of Double diamond that is the average of 6K a month. Six months after joining this company our lives changed so much.
This is WHY I am still shouting it from the rooftops, from my social media, from my instagram, from my van when you see me driving down the road, from the shirts I wear or the shirts my kids wear, and more. When I say this company has been LIFE changing those are NOT even words that describe the way it feels to be able to make extra income with a side job like this!
When you say you are skeptical, so was I. When you say what if no one will buy it from you, I said it too. When you say I never tried these products how can I sell them, I never tried them either!
There's nothing I can say to make you change your mind. It took me a year to decide. I prayed so many times and the answer was GO join this company but I was still so skeptical! WHY do we fight against something so good?
It's just $99. But then I realized...it was more than $99...it was pride if I didn't do well. It was me scared to fail. It was all the what ifs.
There's ONE thing I can tell you for sure....if you are praying for a change. If you have been watching and kinda wanting to try but just NOT sure if this is the road you should take...then that's your answer! Try it! Jump in...give it all the extra energy you have for six months! Do it! There's NO gimmicks...NO extra catches...you can run this business for 20 bucks a month for a website fee. There is NO extra hidden cost of incidentals that you will get charged!
#YES #tiredoflivingpaychecktopaycheck #struggle
BECAUSE....my friends...we were not made to just pay bills and DIE!
LIFE was meant to be lived and if we are worried about bills all the time it's hard to do that!!!
#whatif #daretodream #sidejob #takechances #sayyes #adventurestartsHERE